Paisley Sweetheart

Sunday, July 3, 2011

That camp high...

It summer which means its time for camp!!! Took an awesome group of kids to camp this past week. Still trying to catch up on my sleep, not sure that catching up will ever happen. The camp theme-Shipwreck Island: Where God Provides. We looked at how God provides everything we need: God provides forgiveness, God provides a call, and God provides enough. The kids studied the life of Paul as they studies these things this week....I think we could all learn a thing or two from him about how God Provides. The week was great and I got to see kids witnessing to other kids and burdened by a friend's lostness and also just grow closer to God. Just a great week!

I can't help but think when I come back home after a great week at camp about that camp high you get. You know, where you are on fire for God and ready to do anything for him. I remember getting it after camp in high school. I don't think much has changed when you are an adult coming home from taking kids to camp. Well, except for the need for more sleep. 

As adults I think sometimes we go thinking that camp is going to be for the kids, we are just going to make sure they are safe and taken care of, minister to them and guide them. However, a lot of the time I think that adults can get just as much out of it as the kids can. Sometimes adults have to be reminded of the "basic" thing about of God. Being reminded that he gives us a forgiveness that allows for eternal life, but also a daily forgiveness for we inevitably mess up. What about a calling...I think sometimes adult and parents get so wrapped up in being a parent that they may forget their calling, what special gift or ability they have been given. I told the kids that God puts a calling on all of us, who have chosen to trust and believe in Him, that is to tell others about him. The last God provides enough...this I think is the hardest to remember. When times are tough and your not sure what is going to happen next...remembering that God provides enough is so important. I know that these are things I had to be reminded of....

God will may not be what we want and it may be how we want it..but I'll take my chances trusting the Lord, his plans always seem better and turn out better than mine in the end. 

Thought I would leave you with a two pictures of the week:

The crew pre-OMC.

My awesome adult crew....after some OMC fun!!