Paisley Sweetheart

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Deja vu

Well recently someone told me that I should be blogging…my response “I have a blog I just don’t use it.” Well I have decided to use it again. That being said here we go!

How many times have you found yourself in the same place you have been before? Doing the same thing you always do? Or making the same mistakes you swore you would never make? I think we have all been there…if you haven’t congratulations and can I please have your secret because you could totally market that junk!

Well I am here to say I have done this numerous times and I am at that point once again, but first a little back ground. I have struggled with weight my whole life….I wish had been one of those people who was a fit kid & it just got away from me but that wasn’t the case. As you can see I was always a cubby child. (Please note the denim on denim) Well cubby childhood morphed into overweight teenager. (Senior prom)

I wish I could tell you that there was some deep seeded reason I was so big, but after a lot of self-reflection I realized…I just really like food. I could never be bulimic or anorexic because I love food too much and please know I know those are serious struggles. Well my weight went up and down over the years and then three years ago I reached this point (second from left):

But the final year of seminary and trying to determine what God had next for me…I gained it all back and probably then some. And started a journey yet again and here I am again at a point I have been at many times before and hitting a plateu that I know all too well….

But this time I plan to look at this stage and punch it in the face! I am determined to look forward and see what I can accomplish with more hard work and dedication. I know it is going to be hard work and effort and I know I will stumble at times, but I have no doubt that with the Lord’s help I can press forward.

So this is a challenge to all you who have actually taken time to read this long blog. When you come to that point of giving up and throwing in the towel with whatever it is you are facing, don’t look back keep pressing forward chances are its much better then where you have been because when I look back I am amazed at the changes I have seen and it pushes me forward…toward better and greater things that God has planned for my future…cause I have no desire to go back...

                                                 December 2012-------August 2013