I have been struggling lately…probably longer than lately but
struggling none the less. You see I was always considered the perfect child. I
don’t say that to bash the rest of my family, but you can ask my sisters and
they will tell you I have pretty much walked the line since birth. If my mom said
jump, I did. I couldn’t and still can’t tell a lie to save my life. The guilt
gets to me and even more so after I became a Christian. I also never wanted to
fail, I hate the word. I remember when I had planned an outreach event for a
church where I was serving and I just wasn’t able to make it happen. I was in
tears in my pastor’s office about how I had failed. Also, when I was in seminary,
so many times in seminary, when I didn’t do so hot on an assignment, I would be
in tears about it. You can ask my roommate, she was there when I broke down
over not being able to answer a question in Systemic Theology, here’s looking
at you Dr. Putman, it wasn’t you it was all me. You see I have never viewed failure
as an option, when I do and have it has been a blow to myself image. I have and
still do at times see my self-worth in what I can accomplish, how good I can
You know I think it’s funny, because I had a salvation conversation with a kid this past Sunday and I asked if you could be “good enough” to have
forgiveness and go to heaven. He responded with no and he’s right there’s not
anything we can do to get to heaven or to have salvation beyond giving our
lives to Christ and accepting his love and forgiveness. I love teaching the new
believer’s class. I especially love teaching the meanings of grace and mercy. I
look at these kids and think the worse thing you do right now is disobey your
parents or maybe tell a lie and, in their minds, it is the worse sin. But thankfully
we have mercy which means we aren’t punished for what we did/do and grace is
when we get more than we deserve. I love it because God gives us so much more mercy
and grace than we deserve. I think as a kid we get it and we understand it, but
then as an adult we have a bigger problem understanding it, because our sins might
be a little bit bigger and a little bit more glaring. But also, because we don’t
give ourselves grace, mercy or the ability to fail, so we don’t know how God
can, but he does and will.
I have to learn to do this, give myself grace and
forgiveness. I have to learn to realize I am going to fail, I am going to mess
up, but what else to be expected, I am human. I think the big thing is to not go
out of my way to mess up, but just as God gives me grace, I have to give myself
and others grace. We are all human and those trying to live a life according to
how Christ called you to live, it means loving others even when you don’t agree
with them. So today I say, give yourself a little grace and love, and also
others. I love this quote, it speaks to my heart every time.
You should step back into ypur rambling. You have been carried through with some of the strongest women God ever created. It is in your blood and you thoughts can help so very many out there struggling. I love you dearly and see past generation in the sparkle of your eyes.