Paisley Sweetheart

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lessons learned...

I remember hearing something one time, that the definition of stupid is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I think it is something like that. Anyway, it is neat how sometimes God can take anything to teach you a lesson. I pulled my Children's Church book out to make copies so that I could start reading over my lesson and preparing. The lesson was on Ruth and Boaz one that many of us who have been in church our whole lives know pretty well. So as I was reading over the lesson I could not help but laugh because the lesson that is being taught along with the story is "God is in control". Now when I say I laugh it is because this is a lesson that I am learning daily. 

I have posted before that I come from a family of  worriers and that I am trying my best to hand it all over to God. But its amazing at how easy I can get deterred and try to work things out on my own. The what is even more amazing is how God will use a lesson that I am going to be teaching kids. I think sometimes as adults we try to make things happen and as a result we get less then what God had in plan for us. 

I love it when myself or other adults learn from a children's lesson, sometimes is takes learning and becoming like a child to understand what God has in store for us. How this all relates back to the definition of stupid you may ask? Well you would think that one would learn after 26 years to trust completely in what God has in plan and I am trying because what I can do of my own will is nothing compared to what I do and be apart of if I trust God in the plans that he has for my life. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Childlike faith

Well I have decided that I am not that great at updating my blog. When I get a idea of something to write about, I am no where near a computer and when I am by my computer, I got nothing.

We got back from camp today, I have to say that it is one of my favorite events that I get to be apart of and help to plan. I think every kid should have the chance to go to camp. This is a chance for kids to get away from all the distractions that life at home brings and really learn more about Christ and grow in a relationship with him. They get to hang out with some really cool folks and just have a good time. Oh and they also get exhausted. Which means that I should probably be asleep since I got less sleep then them. But it is also my favorite time because I get to hang out and actually build relationships with the kids.

With all that being said, I now get into my actual post. We were in worship last night and I was singing and looking out at our kids and as I was watching them I saw one of our boys. He had his eyes closed and was just singing...with what looked like was all his heart. At that moment I could not help but praise God. To see a child just worship our Savior makes my heart sing. It also made me think, how often to I truly just worship God with reckless abandonment. Not caring what others think but just praising our risen Savior. I think as adults we sometimes let out circumstances get in our way, we let them bog us down with "why me?s" and questioning God.  My prayer for my kids is that they would learn to worship, love, trust and accept Christ  and worship our Risen Savior with a reckless abandonment that this world has never seen before. That when they have trials and hard times they turn to God for his guidance and not trying to take things into their own hands cause lets face never really turns out even a fourth as well as it could when God is in control.

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

May you keep the faith of a little child and always remember that we serve a powerful and almighty God that nothing is too big for!!!!