Paisley Sweetheart

Monday, July 30, 2012

Fear Factor

I’m not sure if you have ever watched the show, if you have then you know what I am talking about. However, if you haven’t basically the idea is that people compete in these challenges and whoever makes it through wins money. Now these battles are not easy things, they generally involve eating bugs, sitting in snakes, diving into something gross or doing a stunt from a helicopter or a high building.

I MIGHT do well on most of these competitions…however, heights is where I would fail horribly. See I have a healthy fear of heights by that I mean they down right scare me to death! I have always had a small fear, however when I was in college, something happened that make this fear even stronger. It involved this roof…and a loose toe board. To make a long story short, I was on a mission trip repairing a roof and the toe board I was on slipped. Had it not been for a friend and my crew chief, I question where I would be today and also if I would be here today.

Fast forward to this week end where I had the joy of going on a trip with the youth group from my church, where we went to a Rangers game and set way, way high up and also Hurricane Harbor. It was at Hurricane Harbor that I got the “joy” one of these tackling slides. One of which was this giant thing, known as the Tornado:

While waiting in line tried to back out several times…in fact when the time came to get in the tube, I’m sure the guy thought I was crazy because  I kept asking if the ride was safe and if anyone had ever died on it. Now you may laugh...but that is the level of my fear both of heights and perhaps a little fear of the unknown.  Now once I got over the initial fear…the ride was absolutely amazing! I am so glad that I stuck with it, well was kind of forced to stick with it.

Fear can do many things to a person; it can keep them from accomplishing something amazing and wonderful. Fear can keep a person missing out something great in their life.  I want to challenge you don’t let fear keep  you from doing something that could be amazing or accomplishing something that could change your life…or who knows you overcoming your fears may have a life changing impact on someone else....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Time is tickin'

So I got this little guy as a graduation present from my best friend....

Now before you ask why on earth would someone get a person a egg timer, there is a story behind it. There was a year between the time I came to seminary and when I finished college that I cleaned houses. One of the houses I cleaned was my best friend's aunt's house and she had one of these timers. Well when I was cleaning one day, I picked up the little feet came off and I kinda panicked, I thought I had broken it. So I took it home and super glued the feet back on and then the next day took it back to her and told her what happened. She looked at me and started laughing...and I was so confused. She told me that the feet were suppose to come off so that it could be turned over so that you could time stuff. Well this is the story of my life...doing silly things, but that's just who I am...I do and say silly things. But while I do silly things...I still was able to get my masters, silly yes...stupid no. Its hard to believe that I am done with school and have no more papers left...woohoo! It still seems so surreal to me...I'm more book reviews, no more research papers...

As the new year begins and things start I have realized that its the time to make resolution...I always have hated making these because I feel like a complete failure if I don't complete them. I heard on the radio today about someone calling them goals instead of resolution, so I have decided to do this. Since I am going to have a little more time and some new adventures I have decided to make one of my goals to blog at least once a week. Sometimes it might be insightful, other times about cooking, or just about a new adventure. I also think I am going to be more crafty making new thing. I am also going to memorize Scripture. Also, try new things maybe a cooking class..finish my cake decorating classes. 

I am excited to see what this new year is going to bring...and what God is going to do because let's be honest it has not been me these past three years, but the Lord guiding me and making everyone of my accomplishes possible!!! 

Oh here is how the egg timer looks when you flip it and don't glue the feet onto it...